Addiction Poems


Shame is the engine that drives the addiction.  

Your drug of choice is the fuel

Isolation's the oil that cuts down on friction

And denial makes the whole thing run cool.

Take away the denial and the engine overloads

Take away isolation, there's friction

Then the thing seizes up and you breakdown on the street

Where you see your whole life's been a fiction.

Like Heroin

I know what the problem is

With these crazy mixed-up kids

It’s the drugs I heard him say

That makes these children act that way

If their parents only spent

Time with them like the Lord meant

Just an hour every night

Teaching them of wrong and right

Then I bet that you would see

Respect for life and property

And I bet you my last dime

That those kids wouldn’t waste their time

Mingling with human slime

The junkies, dealers, punks and thugs

The people who would sell them drugs

Like heroin.

Then he got into his car

I think it was a Jaguar 

Long and sleek and low and green

A British luxury machine

And as he pulled away from me

I felt a pang of jealousy

I wished I had a car like that

Who’s namesake is a jungle cat

And then I thought of all he owned

The cars, the boats, the summer homes

Funny how we own that stuff

And still it’s never quite enough

Something deep inside our core

Cries out loud I must have more

Renunciation is for monks

We junkies sure do love our junk

Like heroin

From the ghetto to the heights

Everybody’s on the spike

From the inner city 

To the burbs

Only one thing calms our nerves

We think if we have the cash

We will never have to crash

We think our financial gains

Will insulate us from all pain

So like the addict who will rob their folks

For one more hit of smack or coke

We rob the earth of anything

That we really think will bring

In money to buy things we own

That keep us in our comfort zone

And then we shake our heads and shrug

Don’t know why those kids turn to drugs

Like heroin.

The war on drugs is one sad joke

Do you think we’ll keep smack or coke

From coming into this great land

As long as money’s changing hands

Because a deeper disease haunts the soul

It’s powerful and very old

It’s believing that what you possess

Make you whole and safe and blessed

So when one drug lord is knocked out of place

A dozen rush in to fill his space

And no one ever give thought one

To the damage being done

Morality is put on hold 

Consciences are bought and sold

And so it seems in times like these

Our souls are just commodities

Like heroin.