Philosophical Poems


Did you ever wonder how your life would be

If you didn't have that brand new TV?

And did you ever wonder how your survived

before there was four wheel drive?

Did you ever wonder how your life would be?

Did you ever wonder how your life would be

If you didn't have that satellite TV?

And did you ever feel like you just lost your soul

When you couldn't find your remote control?

Did you ever wonder just how your life would be?

How would your life be without your PC?

Do you love your screen more that human beings?

Did you ever wonder how your life would be

Without the latest from AT&T?

Do you really think you'd have no privacy  

If you didn't have caller ID

Did you ever wonder just how your life would be?

Did you ever wonder when we'll have enough

Of this super high-tech brand new stuff?

It's one big competition that we're all in

The one who dies with the most toys wins.

I think that we start dying once that the game begins.

What A Revolting Development This Is




Urban Sprawl

Let's build another mall

Exactly like the other mall

Cuttin down

Cuttin down

Cuttin Down

Cuttin down trees

My bulldozer and me

Are gonna get this

forrest cleared

Who cares about the biosphere

I see Wendy's 

Where that old stream

Cuts through evergreens

Guess ya' might call me a modern visionary

Forget it!